As a result of Water Loss 2022 in Prague, the IWA WLSG proposed an initiative that seeks to quantify the impact that unmanaged leakage has concerning avoidable carbon emissions. Through this initiative we will be linking unchecked leakage to carbon emissions, in an effort to educate those outside the industry on the ecological importance of managing non-revenue water.
Establishing Leakage Emissions Metrics to Incentivize non-revenue water management and emissions reduction
The Paris Accords have influenced governments and corporations alike to act in a way that changes how we operate as a society to limit the mean rise in global temperature to below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. To achieve this goal, it is stated that global emissions should be reduced to net-zero by 2050 at the very latest. This has led global entities to an increase in funding of cleaner initiatives that seek to decarbonize our energy infrastructure and supply chain. By establishing Leakage Emissions as a relevant metric, we are confident that we can inspire these same parties to enhance legislation and corporate involvement in a way that could incentivize funding of much needed practices and improvements to our water infrastructure, thus curbing both non-revenue water and Leakage Emissions. Read the full announcement of this initiaitive released July 22, 2022, here.